Thursday, September 11, 2008

Off to class tonight. This will be my second class of the semester and wow! For the record, the class is titled American Lit 1830-1865, so you know it's going to attract the diehards. Well, no doubt, for this is like a sitcom version of a graduate level lit class. You've got the long-haired, crazy theoried, Lone Gunmen high school English teacher guy, the little gnome looking dude with his rock concert t-shirt, the overthoughtful baby boomer snob dude, several hippie mamas and the instructor who appears to know more about what was going on in 1830 than is healthy. I'm in way over my head in this one. I think I'm going to have to rely on what I believe is official school policy that no grad student who gives at least half an effort is allowed to receive a grade lower than a B. Hopefully it will get better.

This weekend is the better half's bday so kind wishes would be appreciated. I've got some fun stuff planned that many of you know about but they are a surprise so don't spill the beans. I just hope I'm able to get enough sleep to pull it all off, it's looking like a long weekend. We'll see.

I will report back if I survive.

Song lyric of the day: "Go state the overstated / Keep it complicated / The over educated /That hope you'll never make it/ Can you take the final blow and know they won't be shutting up" Local H

Until next time.



cubbieblue17 said...

So...out of the descriptions given, which one are you? J/K I'm sure you will do fine. Have a great weekend. Give B our best.


Ace said...

lol, I'm the one who's going to fail. Will pass along the good wishes!