Saturday, September 6, 2008


Real life exchange this evening between the better half and me:

Me (just returning from lengthy run and doing some stretches): "My groin feels tight"

Better half (disinterestedly): "Uh-huh"

Me (inspired with a great idea): "Wanna feel it?"


Me (amused): "That was a good one"

Better half (not nearly as amused, in fact a bit snarky): "Why don't you put that in your blog?"

Me: "Good idea!"

Song lyric of the day: "She liked the look of my johnson" Red Hot Chili Peppers

Until next time.



cubbieblue17 said...

Usually I get shot a glare or possibly a chuckle when I say something like that to K. I'd be happy with just a pause. Pause=hope 8-)

Ace said...

lol, good times buddy!

Shel said...

I really didn't need to read that... but at least she didn't kick you in the ding ding!

Anonymous said...

Classic....I believe stories like this are why blogs were invented!