Monday, December 31, 2007

Out with the old

Today is the last day of 2007, a time I always find to be good for reflecting on what has happened in the past year. This year has been an emotional roller coaster for a large number of reasons. The primary one is the entire reason for this blog's existence.

Looking back at this time last year, my family had just undergone a major transformation with the birth of #3. I was at my wit's end with my job and knew that I needed to change. Within weeks of the new year, the course was set and I began this journey towards career and life change. I'm proud to say that I was able to knock out 7 classes in 1 plus semester and proud of what my family has done to support me. It's often easy to overlook the sacrifices made by others on your behalf. But there is no way I could have done nearly as much as I have without a great support system to come home to each and every night. And while I may not make the transition to the new career as quickly as I would have originally preferred, I am as excited (and scared and nervous) today as the day I decided this was the change I was going to make.

On top of my career change, my first child entered kindergarten. It's been a sea change in her development, I am amazed at how much and how quickly she has learned. I don't know if all kids learn this quickly but it is unbelievable the difference from this time last year to today. I can't wait until she's old enough to support me :-)

And we experienced for the last time the first step, the first birthday and the first word of our child. It's so cliche to say the time goes so fast but if you don't stop to take it all in, the days will fly past you in a blur. I appreciate the better half and I frequently looking at each other in amazement and soaking up the individual moments that fill our daily lives with joy. While I'm not particularly religious or spiritual, to me these are the snapshots of enlightenment. I really hope to explore this area much more in depth in 2008 as I am developing a keen interest in my own self-awareness and discovering faith. I guess I'll have to fit that in between Calculus and Learning to Teach Learning Disabled Children :-)

I hope the journey from 2007 to 2008 has been as exciting and full of wonder for each of you as it has for me. And I look even more forward to the next chapter. Happy New Year.

Until next time.



Anonymous said...


Hey, I'm back to work! BTW - great photos of the kids. Which one is Y and B? The girl on the left is GORGEOUS! Glad tos ee she's following her mom on that one. ;-)

Ace said...

Welcome back, I hope the transition back to work isn't too bad for you. I know it will be tough but hang in there.

Y is the oldest, A is the middle. B? I'm not sure who B is???

Hope you guys had great holidays!

Anonymous said...

There years are going by way too fast my friend. Seems like everytime I think I'll start something or make a change I think there's time, then I look back and wonder where it went.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I must be thinking about Ys middle name - B? Or am I just smoking? Again.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Ace said...

I know what you're saying J, that's why I'm glad that I'm making my career change. Even though it's going to take me a while, I'm finally doing something about it. Much easier to say than do. I suspect '08 will be a year of much change for you my friend. Just make sure your new place has plenty of room for a fella to crash if he's in town....

Ace said...

lol, not sure Tree. It's ok, no need to keep up with the names of random children you'll likely meet once or twice in your life.

I vote that you are smoking again you crackhead!