Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I ran in my 10k over the weekend. Before I start to whine about how bad it sucked, let me give a few excuses as to why it went so badly. First off, I started to get sick about a week before the race. I was in bad enough shape last Wednesday that I never got out of bed all day long. But I started feeling better Thursday and was close to back to normal on Friday. Unfortunately, being sick I didn't get to do my last few training runs but I figured I'd be ok since I went 45 minutes on the elliptical, which isn't too much shorter than I expected it to take me to run the race. Secondly, I did not eat dinner the night before the race. I got caught up doing something and just never made time to do it. Since the race was sort of early Saturday am, I really didn't have much of a breakfast either. Not really the brightest idea in the world.

The race was Saturday am. I got there and had a really bad feeling. Even though I trained for several weeks, I had not run outside at all, all the training was on the elliptical. So, the race started and off we went. I did ok the first mile, it was at about the pace I thought I would run the race and I felt ok. The second mile wasn't bad either, it was roughly the same pace. But somewhere between 2 & 2.5 miles I really lost it. I started to get very tired and slowed down. In my mind I had two goals: 1. Don't walk. 2. Don't die. I swear, this is what I was thinking as I was running. That generally is not a good sign. I'm glad to say that I met both goals! My time was about 8 minutes slower than my other 10k I ran two years ago, which sucks, but at least I finished. I will definitely need to train better for my next adventure. And I was about as sore as I have ever been the day after the race. I'm back to normal now but damn that was not fun!

I finished one of my classes last night. I've got another that finishes next Monday I believe. That will leave me with just Shakespeare and my teaching of writing class. The writing class has a big assignment due Monday and a few other big things to do in the next few weeks. I'll be glad to finish up the semester. I get about a month off until spring semester starts.

We hosted a baby shower for our friends C & N over the weekend. A good time seemed to be had by all. There was lots of good food, which made it even more fun. By the way (and not specific to this particular baby shower), the inventor of the couples baby shower really should be locked away somewhere. They are really not my cup of tea.

Congrats to my friend Thumper who had her baby over the weekend. Cute little dude. And congrats to S & B who are expecting their third. We did a count over the weekend and we know eight couples that are expecting right now. Wow! And best wishes out to DS who just found out about a major illness in the family. We're thinking the best thoughts on a successful recovery.

My fantasy football teams suck. I have gone 1-5 the last 2 weeks and will be lucky to make the playoffs in one league at this rate. Ugh!!!!

OK, that's enough for now.

Until next time.



Robin said...

Several things are going thru my brain....One: Men are not supposed to get BabyShowers...It's all about the MOMMY!!! I have never been to a baby shower that men were involved.

2nd:For God's sake don't drink the water....8 couples expecting!! A new baby boom!!!

3rd and finally....I think for a man that was ill, you did well! You met more than 2 goals...you did do the run in the first place! Not dying, well that's just a perk!!

Here's a funny for you...you may not read my blog...I am quitting my job to do basically nothing...I'm good at it! But a close friend suggested that I sub at the school where she works...that just cracks me up...Me, In control of students?? That's just insane!!

Hang in there....you'll reach that goal too!

Robin said...

I just read your last comment...that just cracks me up!! genius?? I took one of online IQ test...114!

Far from Genius!!!

Ace said...

I'm glad someone agrees with me on the baby shower thing. Ugh! Fortunately, I don't see any more on the horizon.

Congrats on quitting the job, I cannot wait until I can utter those same words.

Can you send me your blog info? I have not seen it but would like to.....

Anonymous said...

I did a 5k a couple of years ago and it was by far one of the worst experiences on my life. It didn't help that I was almost bested by speed walkers and a 5yo girl.


Ace said...

Yeah, I think I've come to the realization that it's really a matter of training and getting yourself in a position where you're happy with how you will perform. In all honesty, the race should be no different than the prep you do before it, so you should know what to expect. I think I did better last time because I had been running that entire summer so I had more stamina built up. Lesson learned.