Monday, September 24, 2007

A little fun

In the midst of the chaos that is working, going to class, observing high school punks several times a week and trying to keep anything else afloat, I thought it would be fun to share one of my assignments with you.

At the beginning of one of my courses I started this fall, we were asked to provide a personal story we had written. I chose this one from this very blog, focusing specifically on the triathlon part of the post. Apparently, I am too long-winded to submit the whole thing!

After sharing the stories in class, we were asked to radically revise it. Given my self-professed love of the limerick, I chose to re-write the thing with a major twist. Here goes:

There once was a demonic spirit,
You wanted sympathy he wouldn’t hear it,
When looking for fun,
He found a swim, bike and run
And thought he would go and be near it.

He found an unsuspecting man
and hatched an insidious plan,
Satan’s powers were strong,
He’d make the swim seem so long
the person would barely be able to stand.

The plan was a rousing success
and the devil was fully impressed,
The results were so funny
that folks would pay money
to see him put forth another test.

Next he spied the man’s bike
And thought he could do what he liked
But it didn’t go quite as well
As all his plans made in Hell
So Satan would plot one last strike.

At last the man began to run
In God’s name he thinks this is fun?
He’s punished himself enough
No need to make it more rough
The old Devil believes he is done.

Enough for now, I'll report back later this work with more.

Until next time.



Anonymous said...

Yup...pretty much view on running in general. Very creative, Boo!

Me likey!

Ace said...

Good luck this weekend and beyond tree, I know you're ready to go. Can't wait to see pictures of the little lady!